Unstoppable Mumbai Dabbawalas

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                                    Working Style of Mumbai Dabbawala became a mystery among the world. Because they are just nearly 5,000 in number and magically delivers 200,000 dabbas daily during the lunch time. It looks magical because the number of dabbas the Dabbawalas deliver is far more than they are in numbers. The most important thing that makes their work special is that no one among them is highly literate worker. All of them are semi literate persons and the average qualification of members of Association of Dabbawala is nearly 8th standard. Therefore they don’t have any high class management ideas & strategies to use. They use some simple ideas prepared by themselves onwards for completing daily their work.


The only work they do is taking the freshly prepared food from customer’s home & deliver it to their offices & work places during the lunch time. The process of delivering the dabbas was started 125 years ago in the fast running city Mumbai. From that time onwards they are continuously providing their services in a dedicated manner without any resistance of any type, whether a hot weather of Mumbai, heavy rains of Mumbai or any other problem. Nothing stopped them in this long duration in performing their work. They can face the problem of any type but ensures that their customer will not remain hungry, whatever condition it should be. These dabbawalas ensures to the housewives too that their loved ones get the hot & fresh food at the right time that they prepared with deep love for them.


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