Your love wrapped lunch comes to your desk

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What could be better than eating home cooked food daily even when you are away from home? Well it has been made possible with the help of the dabbawalas of Mumbai who have taken up responsibility of feeding home cooked lunch to the working class people of Mumbai. People who cannot visit their homes during lunch times but want to eat the food that has been cooked at their homes itself can  take the help of these very professional people who deliver tiffin boxes to their customer’s offices. A dabbawala is called so simply because he does the work of delivering lunch boxes of their customers to their offices after collecting it from their respective homes and these tiffin boxes have freshly prepared hot food that has been cooked at the home of their customers. So for a simple reason of delivering lunch boxes, a person doing this work is called a dabbawala. These people are truly dedicated towards their work and show utmost commitment towards it. Real bad weather or a high end traffic jam, nothing could make him move from doing his duty on time. A dabbawala always makes sure that he delivers the lunch of his customer to his office well before the lunch time and with no chance of making any kind of mistake at all. You can know more about a Mumbai dabbawala by visiting their official website which has all the information relevant to the life of a Mumbai dabbawala.


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